Silicone Foam Tape, 5mm Wide x 2mm deep (3m Length)

(image for) Silicone Foam Tape, 5mm Wide x 2mm deep (3m Length)
Silicone Foam Tape, 5mm Wide x 2mm deep (3m Length)
  • Product Number: AD-0070
  • • 3 in Stock

£2.99  £2.49
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1 packet of 5mm wide glue strip on a roll

Quantity in pack: 1 roll length, approximately 3 metres long

This item is a clear silicone adhesive roll (similar material to a glue dot, only it is a permanent line of sticky foam tape, rather than a dot!)

This clear tape is just like using foam tape, in that it has a 2mm depth/thickness to it. It measures 5mm in width, and the roll length is approximately 3 metres long.

With it being clear/transparent, it is brilliant for using on shaker cards, or intricate items where you can't cut the foam small enough to hide behind your item.... the clear tape is very discreet and barely noticeable when stuck down.

Don't worry about the "red" which you see on the tape. This is just the backing tape which you peel off to reveal your clear silicone foam tape.

Glue strips are a great simple mess-free way to stick your pieces to your crafting project. Simply unwind your desired length of glue from the roll. Cut with sharp scissors. Press the glue strip firmly onto surface. Remove the backing liner to reveal the other sticky side. Press your item onto the glue strip.

Glue strips work exceptionally well at bonding with beads and gems. Simply place a strip of this craft glue onto your crafting project, and then sprinkle your beads over it to create a beautiful beaded border.

Brilliant for using to make shaker cards, and ideal for intricate work when you just can't hide all of the sticky tape (the bit you leave on show is barely noticeable due to it being clear!).

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