Dress on Stand + Accessories, Pastel Shades

(image for) Dress on Stand + Accessories, Pastel Shades
Dress on Stand + Accessories, Pastel Shades
  • Product Number: CK-0094
  • • 5 in Stock

£0.99  £0.74
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Size: 12.5cm (h) x 6.25cm (w)

Quantity in pack: 30 pieces....
5 dresses on stand (1 of each colour)
5 gift boxes (1 of each colour)
5 single shoes (1 of each colour)
5 handbags (1 of each colour)
5 dress neckline collars (1 of each colour)
5 dress belts (1 of each colour)

Colours: pink, blue, green, lilac, yellow

Material Used: 160gsm coloured card

All pieces in this kit can be used without any cutting involved. Simply layer the pieces as they are.

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